For each generation, at any moment of the day,
completes in serenity and simplicity,
the know-how of chefs and restaurateurs
by perpetuating traditional French pâtisserie, since 1992.
As a family, rural and responsible company,
we make all our biscuits and gourmet fillings
in the heart of our kitchens at our 4 French sites,
thanks to teams of bakers and pâtissiers.
Our response to your requirements and that of your customers,
is an extensive range of French pâtisserie,
composed of short lists of ingredients, carefully selected raw materials,
served daily, by a dedicated sales team.
it is the meeting place
between the French pâtisserie know-how, and women and men who master it
in the highest professional standards.
This know-how has made its mark in France and the world.